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Showing posts from February, 2014

Long time coming

This year had been a whirlwind, so many things have been going on.. We now have a 3 year old, 2 year old and a 4 month old, it's been a while since I've updated on our children.. Lucas(3) is the charismatic,spunky, demanding one Liam (2) wild,silly,stubborn one and Levi (4mth) is the calm,observing and happy one. All together they are a great group of boys. Watching them grow up has been fun I'm a mother of 3 boys, I always thought I'd have a girl BUT I am liking the boy thing, they keep me on my toes.   I on the other hand have been keeping busy outside of raising 3 boys, I've become addicted with Pinterest much more this year.. I make at least try to make just about everything.. We've worked on a lot this year so far. I say (we)because my husband is the one who builds most of it, poor guy. Lol   We also just started (on our 4th day) of clean eating and working to become a fit family.. So there has been a major change in our diet and physical activities.. It...

And then there was 5....