When things are happening that are completely out or you're control... This is Leeland, he is 6 months, he is a happy baby he loves to be around his brothers is he loves to be with Dad he loves to jump in his jumperoo he enjoys car rides Leeland is hitting all those baby milestones, he has grown so well. hes actually in the 95th % for his age. So all this to say He is a healthy growing normal baby, as far as we could see. Current Situation: Leeland was born with quite a few birthmarks,at birth he had at least 6 light colored birthmarks in various places on his body. at the time we didn't really think to much of it,it didn't really appear to harm him. hes 2 months now and has over a dozen small lightly colored birthmarks covering his body.and freckling under his arms and other areas on his body. at his 2 month check up his pediatrician suggested we get him into a dermatologist but ot...