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Showing posts from November, 2016

I love my you love yours?

          Ladies, i think we have all heard the saying "Happy Wife, Happy life" and i know its not always true. Some of us are not spoiled rotten, i know i'm not HA okay maybe a little spoiled.. i cant help it though, i have a man who SPOILS me..      Any who, on Monday we hit our 7th year of marriage and we sat down and reflected on A LOT. Our past, present,future. through out our marriage, we have both learned to hold back, i think the first 3 years of our marriage were the hardest. I mean we dated a year on and off and then decided one day lets get married literally 1 month later we were married.   SO there wasn't a whole lot of room to talk about those deep uncovered issues, worries ect.  SO those very things "baggage" per say, literally ripped our marriage a new one. I mean, we literally had NO idea how to treat, talk, comfort one another. Granted we did lose our first baby a few months into our marriage, so THAT...

Photo Recaps. some of Fall 2016

Let me LOVE you, let me LOVE you...

"Love  is the condition  in which  the happiness  of another person  is essential  to your own" In one week my husband and myself will be celebrating 7 years of Marriage. and let me tell you, it has been the MOST Beautiful experience. Some nights, when its quiet, still and my husband is lying next to me peacefully sleeping. I rummage through my brain, and pull up the most amazing experiences from our first year of marriage. those memories are all so funny to me, JUST so young and inexperienced, I remember this one time i made Grilled chicken sandwiches for Jose and My cousin Joshua. even though Jose kept telling me "Cecily i can make them" in which i replied "I got this" in reality heck no i didn't " Got this" haha. Jose and Joshua faces sitting at our dining table trying to force themselves to eat this Grilled chicken sandwich.. i will never forget that moment of pure disgust, wash across their face. SO funny!  now that i ...