I'm Cecily 26 year old Wife and mother of 3 boys, lately i've been contemplating what i really want to do with my life. I really enjoy being able to stay home and raise our boys, watching them learn and grow is amazing. I also have been able to learn and grow as a mother, sometimes my days are a complete mess. raising 3 boys has become a full time job for me, i feel like i am at a place physically where i can intermingle my everyday life and my passions. So i have! i make,create,refix,restore all kinds of things, i even let Our boys join in on any project that i may be doing. aside from that i've been able to purchase a newer.better camera. SO i have been catching up on photography, ive used my android and iphone 4s for about two years to capture photos. I have been really pumped about taking photos, I love it! Like i mentioned earlier, i have been really digging in and discussing with my husband things that i really love to do. and really thats a lot of things, i...