Sometimes i wake up in the morning, roll out of bed. actually i like twitch out of bed with my big ole 8 month pregnant belly. walk into the dining area hoping to myself " please let the house be clean, please let the house be clean. In hopes that when my husband released me from sahm duties two hours before the boys bed time, the night before. . He would somehow magically get all boys to clean house for Momma! Fail!! Instead i am greeted with this horrid smell and kissed with an over whelming amount of dishes and my children are all up asking for breakfast.. Who said Stay at home MOM life was easy? No seriously, who even thinks that?!?
The only reason i am actually sitting at me computer writing this is because all 4 of my boys are napping which as you can see from my last blog post doesn't happen all of the time. We have been up since 7 am have had 2 meals 2 snacks. my dishes are cleaned my house is in order. And as i am typing this all i can think about it a big ole Margarita. which i cant have lol so instead a big ole glass of cold milk to cure this heartburn of mine.. I'm EXHAUSTED guys..
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