Eden was about 2 hours old, i got to hold her for about 30 minutes. I tried feeding her, she just wasn't really interested. she would just sleep it was hard to wake her up. So the pediatrician on call. suggested they run a small tube to her belly from her throat to get her some food. Her sugar levels were a little low. So they did that. got some food in her tiny belly checked her sugar levels about 2 hours later, they were still low. Eden was lethargic not really responding like a newborn baby would respond normally. So they decided to put her on an IV sugar drip. to try and get her sugars up and regulated. Eden's body insulin was breaking down the sugar as fast as she could intake it. Its a pretty common thing, but something that needs to be dealt with right away. So she was taken to the Nursery where she stayed for about 24 hours. I was able to see her but not really hold her. I also was recovering from my C-sec, so i was in some serious pain.. after the 24 hours Eden's ...