I declare this year be 100% better than 2018...... 2018 brought a lot of changes, breaks ups, break downs and heartache.. I learned a lot about myself in 2018 that I have in years put together.. I’ve learned that your mental state changes you not only emotionally but physically. Darkness is real and if you let it that shit will eat you right up. I’ve learned it is SO fucking important to Check on other moms, to be that hearing ear and lend that hand when needed. Cause let’s face it dude, Motherhood is SO fucking hard. And I can’t tell you how many times I would not had made it through 2018 with out the few women I do have in my life.. I’ve learned that Communication is SO damn vital in a relationship wether it’s marriage, family or friendships. Cause let’s be honest, us humans suck at communication, I mean like real communication. Believe me I have found myself scrolling through Facebook liking a few pics, commenting a few words and...