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Showing posts from October, 2010

You Make Every Thing Glorious..

Well my life has been the craziest ride for the past two days, i went into labor October 9th around 6 a.m..My water broke and i didn't realize it till 2 hours later..i cam into the hospital and immediately was hooked up onto monitors and all that jazz..Had i known i was going to be in Labor for 24 hours i probably would of passed out a head of time.. i went through all of the morning with harsh pains i came in only dilated about 2 1/2 and lasted till hmm about 2:30 until i finally dilated 4, when they could gave me the epidural..whhheeeww thank you Jesus for an epidural, so i thought..Like by 9 p.m i was dilated a 9 but the doctor said will give you another hour just to make sure you get to 10 alright..So i did, i started pushing at 10:15 p.m and oh i didnt stop pushing for 3 1/2 hours, yea it was long and stressful i even remember accepting the fact that i couldnt get him out and i wanted a c-section but the doctor convinced me other i carried on abotu halfway through the...

Dear Recovering Alumni (website)

Wow, i appreciate the fact that you have come out and owned up to who you are, it seems that it has taken you a while to muster up the courage to show your face and reveal your name.. TRUTH is i don't understand you, i don't understand your motives, your suggestions, your accusations or the simple fact that you are still going on and on about things that have happened a LONG time ago.. Are you honestly saying the things you say in ALL of your blogs out of love or out of disrespect and bitterness because we all know according to the bible that we should... Get rid of all bitterness , rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior- Eph 4:31 I n fact you haven't answered any of my questions nor have you accepted any of my statements that i have wrote on your blogs, which means to me that the only questions you allow to be shown or any answers you give are only to the people that have a "problem" with Teen Mania... Why is that...
picture, you're the queen of everything as far as the eye can see under your command i will be your guardian when all is crumbling steady your hand... we're falling apart and coming together again and again we're coming apart but we pull it together pull it together, together again Friendship: noun 1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship. Why is it that sometimes you can have the greatest friend in the world, someone that is always there, someone that is very loyal to you. and someone that you can tell everything to and do anything with?! But then one day you make a decision that lets just say wasn't the best.. Instantly your friendship isn't the same you are judged instead of helped, your thrown to the back burner instead of lifted up in prayer, ignored instead of being asked if your at least okay.. you know those times yo had in your friendship where you would sit out in the grass on a blanket with a ...