picture, you're the queen of everything
as far as the eye can see
under your command
i will be your guardian
when all is crumbling
steady your hand...

we're falling apart
and coming together again and again
we're coming apart
but we pull it together
pull it together, together again

the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value aperson's friendship.
Why is it that sometimes you can have the greatest friend in the world, someone that is always there, someone that is very loyal to you. and someone that you can tell everything to and do anything with?!
But then one day you make a decision that lets just say wasn't the best..
Instantly your friendship isn't the same you are judged instead of helped, your thrown to the back burner instead of lifted up in prayer, ignored instead of being asked if your at least okay..
you know those times yo had in your friendship where you would sit out in the grass on a blanket with a warm cup of tea and talk about struggles,issues and the things God is pulling out of your heart and breaking you from...OR when you would go on road trips together and blast music with the windows down without a care in the world except for where you were headed..
Why cant there be friends like that always, why is it that their is always things that come up in life that tear you away from those people..

I think its safe to say the only person you can really trust is Jesus, you know the one who will never leave you nor forsake you..
Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The LORD your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you norforsake you." Deut 31:6
Sometime it is hard to know that not everyone can be the "best friend" they probably should be ..But knowing that Christ is that one, he is that very one that you can trust,confide in,rant to,love on and be loved by bring so much comfort even if we wont see him face to face for another 20 years,,it makes life perfect...
I know that their is comfort in laying aside the hurt that you can go through when losing a best friend.In fact i am actually on the road to healing from past hurts from a broken friendship..Jesus will be there and as cheesy as it sound call out to him when in need! i Promise he will answer..
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