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Showing posts from 2011
Have yourself a very Merry Christmas... Just a few photos of the Holiday Cheer! H0/TvFCPuAfojI/AAAAAAAAAaI/z3p29Hgngmc/s1600/DSCF0619.JPG">

Tis the NEW season?!...........

Here i am 34 Weeks ! We Finally moved into our new place, its pretty roomie and Lucas has his own room..Here is a few pictures! My Bathroom Our Bedroom Lucas Bathroom Lucas Bedroom Our Small Dining table My Photo wall The Living room (not finished yet) Another pic of the Living room Side view of our red wall Living and kitchen Stairs..

Turkey makes the heart happy, so does family..

So thankful for my family!

My heart aches,,,

“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” MT I cant believe its been 5 years since i first laid eyes on those precious little faces. i remember stepping off the plane onto Africa soil and loving every moment of it. the air,the smell,the weather,the presence of the people. it was all so different but i loved it. when i tell people about how beautiful Africa really is they call me crazy..Africa is not all like the jungles, its not this hot,dry waist land. Its so beautiful! Mountains,rolling sandy hills, animals, Beautiful people,markets,music,food.My most favorite part of being in Africa was being able to love on the children, so many orphans. it broke my heart especially the ones that are sick but have no idea what there future in tales.being able to hug and love on those children drastically changed my ...

Lifes Silloutte...

She’s got a baby inside And holds her belly tight All through the night Just so she knows She’s sleeping so Safely to keep Her growing And oh when she'll open her eyes There'll be no surprise That she'll grow to be So beautifully Just like her mother That’s carrying Oh Capri She’s beauty Baby inside she’s loving Oh Capri She’s beauty There is and angel growin’ peacefully Oh Capri Sweet baby And things will be hard at times But I've learned to try Just listening Patiently, oh Capri Sweet baby Oh Capri She’s beauty Baby inside she’s loving Oh Capri Your beauty Just like your mother That’s carrying...Oh Capri

How much is TOO much..

So in my family there are A LOT of Alcoholics, and sometimes its just too much for me..So what do you do about taking what those people say, while there in that state of mind, with a grain of salt? Because sometimes i just want to straight up sucker punch them in the face! Dont get me wrong now, im not opposed to drinking ..Having a drink with friends and family is fine with me, BUT drinking everyday to get drunk just doesn't cut it..And i hate the excuse, i work all week, im tired so i deserve a drink. okay yes it may be true you may work so hard you feel a drink will calm your nerves but seriously get drunk every time?!? Then i have those in the family that get drunk and... A. Talk a lot of crap about people non stop B.could care less what anyone is talking about and want the attention on themselves C.Repeat themselves over and over D.become very abusive to anyone an...

It's a half life with you as my quarter back..

I cant believe it will be two years since i said "i do" with my heart,life,love,other half,companion,soul mate, my husband...Two years doe sn't seem a long time, and it isn't! compared to the marriages i have seen..It has had its ch allenges,its bumpy roads, yet i would never take any part of it back.. I remember when,Jose first asked me to be his wife, and it wasn't what i expected.i mean i have heard stories that just steal your breath, my proposal wasn't that. it wasn't on the moon lit beach, on a boat in the middle of the ocean..It was a summer night and we were out sitting on his patio on an old futon he had..It was quiet and we had just finished discussing the next few days we would have and some future plans we would like see come to pass.. He looked at me and said "Cecily, i dont know how to explain this to you,i don't know how to tell you how i feel, i have never been taught to explain my feelings to anyone. Especially a woman, my par...

Can i just be Satisfied with life??

I ts been so long since i was able to sit and relax, like physically,mentally,emotionally,spiritually relax..I can remember a time when i was on tour and we were in Idaho, i remember sitting outside of the home we were staying in, and looking out at the mountains.. Honestly, the mountains were this lady's backyard. so beautiful! it was cool and silent, i could hear the wind as it swished by..Ooh so perfect, stress free.. As a wife and mother to a 1 year old Boy and another on the way, when do you find a time to just sit and relax? I LOVE my family, every bit of them. but sometimes i feel over looked. Like i am the "mom and wife" and that's just it. changing poop diapers,cleaning after everyone's mess,cooking,running errands, grocery shopping, back and forth back and forth i go with Lucas..Not to mention Liam is in my belly so im more exhausted carrying him..Really? Don't get me wrong, I love them, but when can Mommy get a break..Yesterday was my birthday a...

A breath of fresh Fall

1st Visit to the pumpkin Patch Halloween 2011 Family Fall Party and Hayride 2011