That's a wrap!
2017, was a bust. i learned a lot about my self, my friends, my family and just people in general.. I've mended relationships and squashed some. turned acquaintances into good friends, learned to love myself and not let people hurt my feelings.. Yes i know i know, who lets people hurt their feelings pfft. Im human and it happened more times than i can count on two hands.. Deff have learned haters gonna hate no matter what. HA! I picked up new hobbies and learned new photo techniques. i became a mom to a GIRL putting my BOYMOM title at ease. lol. let me say being a mom to a girl is literally the best thing in the world Annora adds SO much to our world, fits in perfectly with her big bros. she is a true gem! Heres to 2018 may the days be short and the nights be long. after all i am just a sleep deprived mom!
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